About Us
38 new students (from 16 countries) admitted 124 students from 24 countries (total cumulative students: 994 from 76 countries)
02. 01.
Prof. Lee Jeong Ju inaugurated as the 6th Dean of PSPS
01. 22.
The 10th Saemaul Development Action Plan Contest
10. 18.
The 9th Saemaul Spirit Korean Speech Contest & Global Saemauler Festival
10. 11.
YU Global Festival
19 new students (from China) admitted
As of August - PSPS admitted 938 students from 76 countries and turned out 808 graduates(master’s degree holders from 69 countries)
08. 28.
85 students (from 28 countries) in total
08. 22.
34 new students (from 15 countries) admitted
03. 01.
36 new students (from 14 countries) admitted 96 students from 23 countries (total cumulative students: 904 from 73 countries)
01. 18.
The 9th Saemaul Development Action Plan Contest
10. 06.
The 8th Saemaul Spirit Korean Speech Contest & Global Saemauler Festival
As of August - PSPS admitted 868 students from 73 countries and turned out 765 graduates(master’s degree holders from 67 countries)
08. 25.
15 new students (from 12 countries) admitted 58 students (from 23 countries) in total
08. 22.
Summer commencement(40 master’s degree conferred)
03. 01.
45 new students (from 17 countries) admitted 85 students from 23 countries (total cumulative students: 853 from 73 countries)
02. 27.
Selected as the implementing agency for the KOICA’s Scholarship Programme (SP) for Water Resources Management
02. 22.
Winter Commencement (1 master’s degrees conferred)
02. 01.
Prof. Lee Byeong Wan inaugurated as the 5th Dean of PSPS
01. 12.
The 8th Saemaul Development Action Plan Contest
10. 28.
The 7th Saemaul Spirit Korean Speech Contest & Global Saemauler Festival
As of August - PSPS admitted 808 students from 71 countries and turned out 724 graduates(master’s degree holders from 66 countries)
03. 01.
46 new students(from 18 countries) admitted
01. 19.
The 7th Saemaul Development Action Plan Contest
10. 15.
The 6th Saemaul Spirit Korean Contest
08. 20.
Summer commencement(41 master’s degree conferred)
04. 03.
Signing an MOU with Gyeongsan-si
03. 12.
Signing an MOU with Vietnam Quang Binh Department of Agriculture and Rural Development
02. 01.
Prof. Yi Hui Uk inaugurated as the 4th Dean of PSPS
01. 25.
The 6th Saemaul Development Action Plan Contest
10. 08.
The 5th Saemaul Spirit Korean Contest
08. 21.
Summer Commencement (47 master’s degrees conferred)
03. 01.
49 new students (from 24 countries) admitted
12. 27.
The 5th Saemaul Development Action Plan Contest
10. 14.
The 4th Saemaul Spirit Korean Contest & The 7th Global Saemaul Chuseok Festival
08. 22.
Summer Commencement (50 master’s degrees conferred)
03. 01.
49 new students (from 20 countries) admitted
02. 22.
2019 Spring Commencement (14 master’s degrees conferred)
12. 21.
The 4th Saemaul Development Action Plan Contest
12. 13.
Signing an MOU with Embassy of Zambia in Korea
10. 05.
The 3rd Saemaul Spirit Korean Speech Contest
10. 05.
The 6th Global Saemaul Chuseok Festival
09. 01.
Abolition Forest Resource and Ecological Restoration Major and Environmental Management and Policy Major, Newly-organized Forest and Environment Policy Major in Department of Sustainable Development.
08. 22.
Summer Commencement (52 master’s degrees conferred)
04. 16.
Signing an MOU with LosBaños University, Republic of the Philippines
03. 01.
52 new students (from 21 countries) admitted
03. 01.
Abolition Saemaul Undong and Community Development Major and International Development Major, Newly-organized Saemaul International Development Major in Department of Saemaul and International Development.
02. 22.
2018 Spring Commencement (82 master’s degrees conferred)
10. 30.
The 3rd Saemaul Development Action Plan Contest
10. 13.
The 2nd Saemaul Spirit Korean Speech Contest
09. 29.
The 5th Global Saemauler Chuseok Festival
09. 01.
13 new students (from 10 countries) admitted
08. 22.
2017 Summer Commencement (78 master’s degrees conferred)
06. 14.
Signing an MOU with the Nakdonggang National Institute of Biological Resources(NNIBR)
03. 01.
53 new students (from 22 countries) admitted
02. 22.
2017 Spring Commencement (80 master’s degrees conferred)
02. 01.
Prof. KIM Ki Su inaugurated as the 3rd Dean of PSPS
11. 04.
The 2nd Saemaul Development Action Plan Contest
10. 07.
The 1st Saemaul Spirit Korean Speech Contest
09. 09.
The 4th Global Saemauler Chuseok Festival
09. 01.
76 new students (from 31 countries) admitted
08. 22.
2016 Summer Commencement (57 master’s degrees conferred)
06. 14.
Saemaul Community Lounge opened
03. 01.
84 new students (from 24 countries) admitted
02. 29.
The PSPS White Paper, 2011-2015 published
02. 22.
2016 Spring Commencement (52 master’s degrees conferred)
11. 01.
Selected as the implementing agency of the Master’s Degree Programme for ASEAN Specialists on Saemaul Community Development
10. 30.
The 1st Saemaul Development Action Plan Contest
09. 25.
The 3rd Global Saemauler Chuseok Festival
09. 15.
Signing an MOU with Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Republic of Kenya
09. 11.
Signing an MOU with the Republic of Peru Government (Ministry of Housing, Construction and Sanitation)
08. 21.
2015 Summer Commencement (46 master’s degrees conferred)
08. 12.
Signing an MOU with Korea Forestry Promotion Institute
07. 03.
Signing an MOU with Korea Environment Institute
04. 23.
PSPS Briefing Sessions held for Foreign Diplomats in Korea
04. 20.
Selected as the implementing agency for KEITI‘s (Korea Environmental Industry and Technology Institute) Global Environment Scholarship Program
03. 01.
Department of Sustainable Development established and Environmental Management and Policy major newly added
12. 01.
Signing an MOU with the African-Asian Rural Development Organization (AARDO)
11. 29.
Signing an MOU with Ural State University of Economics, Russian Federation
11. 26.
Signing a research contract on New Rural Development in Vietnam with Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics (HCMA)
10. 15.
Signing an MOU with Korea Forest Seed & Variety Center
09. 05.
The 2nd Global Saemauler Chuseok Festival
08. 28.
Signing an MOU with Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics (HCMA), Socialist Republic of Vietnam
08. 26.
Signing an Aide Memoire with International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)
03. 26.
Sigining an MOU with ASEAN-Korea Forest Cooperation (AFoCO) Secretariat
03. 13.
Selected as the implementing agency for the KOICA’s Scholarship Programme (SP) for Global Community Development Leaders
11. 25.
Signing an MOU with University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan
11. 21.
The 1st Global Saemauler Chuseok Festival
11. 21.
Signing an MOU with PMAS-Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi, Pakistan
08. 22.
The first commencement (The first master’s degree in Saemaul Studies was awarded)
07. 01.
YU opened the Institute for International Development Cooperation (IIDC)
Selected as the ‘Leading University in International Cooperation’ by the ROK Ministry of Education
03. 19.
Signing an MOU with Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA)
02. 01.
Prof. PARK Seung Woo inaugurated as the 2nd Dean of PSPS
06. 15.
Prof. RHEE Jae Hoon appointed as acting dean of PSPS
03. 02.
The first cohort of 15 students (from 9 countries) admitted to the school
Prof. CHOI Oe-chool inaugurated as the 1st Dean of PSPS
11. 23.
Signing an MOU with Korea Saemaul Undong Center
11. 01.
Park Chung Hee School of Policy and Saemaul (PSPS) was established
Signing an MOU with Korean Green Promotion Agency (KGPA)
President Park Chung Hee Leadership Research Institute opened Saemaul Research Center
President Park Chung Hee Leadership Research Institute founded at YU
YU opened Saemaul Community Development Institute
YU opened Saemaul Research Institute
Saemaul Research Society was founded
12. 22.
Yeungnam University (YU) was founded